Today has been interesting so far. I have had to break up two fights today. One in my advanced English class, and on in First grade--though i can't say which fight was more justified from my perspective. Honestly when I compare the two side by side I see more similarities than differences except that I sort of expected more of my Adv. kids. Also there was randomly a band here today to play for a small assembly for the 10th & 11th Grades--they also played during the student's break and during lunch. I was surprised by how good they were--I actually really enjoyed hearing them.
Oh and I feel I am finally caught up on sleep. Yesterday I took a nap around 6 or so and slept til almost 10--when i watched two episodes of Scrubs and then fell back asleep 'til 5 this morning--when I promptly rolled over made sure my alarm was set for 6 and went back to sleep. I figured I got around 10-11 hours of sleep. This morning I felt great. Expect a post Friday or sometime this weekend.
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