Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This week is gonna be rough

So today I was informed that for the rest of the week I will be helping five students to attempt to learn everything that they didn't learn last year so that they can pass a final. Some of these kids barely know five words in English. And I have to prepare them pass a test on adjectives, possessive pronouns, and proper sentence structure in four days. The best part was I was given no real warning for this I was told at twelve o'clock that they would be here at 2:30--and was stuck in a meeting til about 1:45--left for lunch and the kids were fifteen minutes early. I gave them the final today--to try and evaluate/estimate what they need to know. Looking through them and explaining the processes today were not easy--I was struggling to quickly translate and give them proper directions--which indicates that I have no small challenge. I am going to be up half the night if I attempt to figure out what all I need to teach them tomorrow--I am ready for this week to be over. Which is really bad to say on a Tuesday. My patience was so tested today by both the administration and the students--as well as whoever taught them English last year and as school policy dictates--should be the person to be helping bring them up in these sessions--where the hell he is I have no idea--but he better be glad I don't know.

Please wish me luck, lend me your prayers to whatever God/Deity/Mythical Being/Flying Spaghetti Monster you may believe in--I need them.

On the upside for you all, More Frustration=More Updates. :)

If the rest of this week goes half as bad as today I may sell the movie rights to pay for the legal fees-- I can see it now, THERE WILL BE BLOOD II: Mitch can't teach Colombian kids.

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